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This page is here to answer ALL your questions. I won't get back to any email asking me anything that is answered here. I really mean it. If anyone is too lazy to have a look at this page, I will just be as lazy and won't bother replying.

If you really come across a question not answere here, you are welcome to contact me.

What are brushes?
Brushes are used in modern graphic programs to enhance graphics and digital designs.

Who created these brushes?
All the brushes were created by me - shiricki. You won't find brushes of any other brush artist on angelic. You can be sure that all files were originally created by myself only.

What does 'give credit' mean?
Credit is basically a visible link back to with a textlink or button, if you use my brushes. Something like "Copyright for brushes by shiricki -" is all I ask for. Please do NOT link to any other subpage within that is not a purpose of a credit link. Anyone following the main link will quickly find the brushes at my site. Thank you.

What does 'freeware' mean?
Freeware is also called LINKWARE. Now you should automatically know what it is: You can download these brushes without spending a single penny, but with giving visible credit to me and Downloading automatically mean you agree to link back.

What if I forget where I got them?
Actually it should be impossible for you to forget. Cause all my brushes are named angelic-trust.net_something. So please do not whine to me, you forgot. I won't believe it and it will rather make me mad and sad. So please give credit, where credit is needed!

What is an 'angelic brush account'?
If you want to download all brushes for free, you can by creating an account. That's all I ask for. You need to create an account by signing up. It's fast and secure and it does not cost you a single cent after all. I just would like to know WHO downloads my brushes and that you agree to my Terms of Use, that's why I ask you to create an account.

I donated, do I have to give credit still?
Yes, you always have to give credit, if you use my brushes. Because the brushes are still my work. You cannot buy my work, you can only downlad and use it, if you give credit by linking to this website. Creating brushes still consumes my time. Please give credit where credit is due. Thank you.

Do your brushes work in Photoshop 5?
No. That is because they are created for Photoshop 6 and higher.

With what kind of Photoshop programs do they work with?
All my brushes were tested successfully in Photoshop 6, and 7 as well as in Photoshop Creative Suite (CS) and Photoshop Elements 4.o. They work with both the PC Photoshop version and the MAC Photoshop version.

Do your brushes work in Paint Shop Pro?
No. That is because they are not made for Paint Shop Pro. You can try to rename the file extension from .abr to .jbr but as from what I know, it depends on the PSP version you are using. No guarantee on that. I will not convert my Photoshop brushes into Paint Shop Pro brushes at this time, sorry.

Will you offer image packs for those who do not use Photoshop?
I am sorry but at this time I do not have interest in offering image packs.

Can you convert your brushes to Paint Shop Pro?
No. Because I don't use Paint Shop Pro and am not interested in using it any time soon.

How do I install brushes?
If you never used or installed brushes on your computer.
This small tutorial may help:
  1.) Download a brushset.
  2.) Extract the *.abr file from the *.zip file.
  3a.)Place the *.abr files into:
  Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop X\Presets\Brushes
  (Where X is the version number for your version of Photoshop.)
  3b.) OR place the *.abr file into any other folder that suits you best.
From the Brushes Palette in Photoshop, click the small arrow in the upper right corner of the palette, and choose load brushes. The brushes will be added to the current brushes.

How do I use your brushes?
You can only use my brushes in Photoshop 6 and higher. To get to know how to use brushes in Photoshop, visit their official support site. There you'll find all answers.

Are your brushes high quality/resolution brushes?
I do all the best I can to offer you high quality brushes. Please keep in mind that the small 300x100 preview images cannot show you all brushes in full size that are included in a whole brushset. They are usually resized to offer a first impression. I will always try to offer high resolution brushes, so they are suitable for actually all creation that you could imagine. Especially the secret brushsets are very high resolution brushes.

I own a scrapbooking page, are your brushes suitable for that kind of site?
Please first of all notice, that you are not allowed to make money with my brushes. If you own a free scrapbooking site, here's the answer: Sadly I cannot answer that for you. Scrapbooking pages differ. The easierst way to find out is getting a member account to try and have a look.

Am I allowed to use the brushes commercially?
No, it's not allowed to make money with my brushes in any way. To read more about the commercial usage, please click here.

I have forgotten my password, can you help?
Use the "forgot password" option below the login mask. The system will generate a new password for you. Replace the old password just with the new one sent to you.

I have forgotten my username, can you help?
I am sorry but how can I know your username? In this case please sign up again with a new username, email and password.

I cannot login?
Use the correct spelling of your username and password. Both are case sensitive! 'YourUsername' is not equal to 'yourusername' etc. The system reacts to what you type in, if what you type in is incorrect, it will not let you login. If it's correct, there won't be a problem.

I use the 'correct' username and password but it does not work?
Use the "forgot password" option below the login mask and let the system generate a new password for you. Copy and paste it into the field, when login in. It should work, if you use the correct details. Username & password are case sensitive!

Will you update with new sets?
I used to update this archive for five years. Now the brush archive is considered as complete. I offer 350 official brushsets plus 25 secret brushsets. If this still is not enough, visit more things created by me. ^^

Can I offer your brushes as downloads?
No >.< not without asking me. You may not just post the files in their current form on another site. Why? Because it takes a lot of time to create a set. And this site is the original place for my brushes. Please do not offer my brushes or parts of them as yours. I know my creations pretty well ... so, please do not let me find out you claimed them as yours and offer them on your website. It's stronly prohibited and against copyright law (

I do make exceptions, if I am asked kindly and if my rules as well as my copyright is respected. As for notification currently there are the following websites allowed to post and redistribute a limited amount of my brushes: & Advanced Photoshop Magazine. If you see my brushes posted anywhere else, it's illegal. Please notify me. Thank you :) If YOU want to feature my brushes, contact me and we'll figure something out.

Can I modify the images slightly and redistribute them in my own?
Sorry but no. You may not steal, copy, reproduce, edit or abuse my brushes in any way. Not even in a way not being explicitly mentioned here. If you are unsure, if what you want to do is okay with me, rather contact me before. I surely appreciate it.

What can I do with the brushes without violating your copyright issues?
Basically there are no limits set to your imagination! My brushes can be used in your own artwork to spice up your design of your own unique creation. For example in collages, drawings, websites, brochure, business cards, greeting cards, multimedia presentation, and so forth. You may use my brushes to create something of your own and do whatever you like with your new creation, as long as you do not make money with it and credit me (shiricki) & with a link.

May I share the brushes that I downloaded with a friend?
Actually not. If you want to share my brushes with someone, please refer them to so they can download them for themselves. I am aware that I cannot do anything really powerful to keep you from doing so ... however if you want to keep your member account, you should not commit to do so ^.~ Because if I find out that you passed by my files without permission, I am having a valid reason to cancel your account.

Can I email you with brush questions?
In case it's any question not answered here, yes. Questions answered here already will be strictly ignored. I simply have no time for this. This FAQ was written to help you, so please be sure to have searched for the answer here already before mailing me. If it's not here, I'll be happy to help of course. Thank you for understanding.


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