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If you like my brushes, you may feel the need to give something in return? And if you do so, you can donate a small amount. It's really highly appreciated.

Any donation helps me to maintain all my websites.

Donations help to keep up the work I put into my sites. Creating so many brushsets took my 5 years. Maybe you find that reason enough to leave a small amount of money to show your support. this really makes me happy every time, I receive one. It's really encouraging to continue working hard for my websites :)

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Thank you for your consideration. :)

Why is a tiny donation so important?
Any donation helps me to keep my sites alive. Now you got a lot of wonderful Photoshop brushsets to play around with - for free. ^^ It took me years to create all these hundreds of brushsets for you and I offer them for nothing.

The bandwidth caused by downloading costs money - my money. I am not making any profit by offering my brushes, however if you think this resource should remain open to everyone, you may like to donate a small amount (any amount is appreciated) to support brushes.

If you find my brushes useful, please consider helping me to offer them free of charge - also in the future. Thank you.


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cute things you can buy ^^