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Here is my little bunny place.
2001 I got Komet, he is the black one with two white spots at his paw and his forehead.
2002 I saw Sternchen Lain, she is the white one with black spots all over. I got her being 8 weeks old.
2003 They got a baby named Dumbo first, later she was renamed Annabelle; my Mom adopted her about a year later.
2008 Sadly Komet died all of a sudden. It was so very very sad and a shock after all. A few weeks later I suddenly saw Wavey Blue and fell totally in love with her. 2009 Sternchen Lain got very sick and died as well. So I adopted the blue-eyed Fin as friend for Wavey Blue. Additionally Annabelle died that year. My mom now owns two of Fin's siblings ironically. Family ties.
Wavey Blue
Nickname: Fefi, Boo
Gender: female
Birthday: July 16, 2008
Color: White with black, brown and beige spots
Personality: curious, open, true and so cute
Fave food: anything sweet, bananas, carrot-green, hay
Nickname: FinFin, Finnie, Finchen
Gender: male
Birthday: June 16, 2009
Color: totally white with light blue eyes
Personality: shy, curious but scared, moody
Fave food: hay, carrot-green
Gender: male
Birthday: April 3, 2001 U June 17, 2008
Color: Black with 2 white spots
Personality: caring, introverted, calm, like a prince
Fave food: BUNNY DROPS $_$, potatoes, dry bread, spinach leaves, parsley, herbal hay
Sternchen Lain
Gender: female
Birthday: October 24, 2002 U May 16, 2009
Color: White with many black spots
Personality: extroverted, destroying a lot, you never know ...
Fave food: BUNNY DROPS $_$, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage turnip leaves, parsley, herbal hay