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(02/JAN/05) All is full of Love (5,12 MB)

Reason: Because it's a very romantic and silent but also hopeful and sad song. Janine made me actaully to put it online as song of the week ^^

All is full of Love lyrics

(23/JAN/05) Under the Stars (5,04 MB)

Reason: The Lion King Soundtrack is a legend! I ADORE african music in gerneral and this soundtrack carries so many wonderful sounds and tunes together. Actually my favorite part of this sing starts ar 2:27. *melting* I just love everything about it and I cannot count the times I heard this part one time after another. Just great!

(16/JAN/05) Hikari Remix (3,64 MB)

Reason: I love that theme from Kingdom Hearts. It's wunderful and I owe that song a lot of my recent japanese vobabulary ^^ I love the remix more than the original. I think my neighbors think I'm crazy because I listen to japanese songs so loud O.o ... and actually join singing *coughcough*

Hikari lyrics

(09/JAN/05) Hikari (4,50 MB)

Reason: As I already menmtioned I like the Remix more than this original but to show the original sing as well, I choose this song for this week and it's not bad after all. How could it be MP3

Hikari lyrics

(13/FEB/05) Stronger (3,62 MB)

Reason: I like some songs by the Sugarbabes, the lyrics are very powerful of this song. It's really a very sad but strong song. It's for everyone who's getting stronger or about to be. I like the words very much.

Stronger lyrics

(06/FEB/05) .Hack - Intro (1,33 MB)

Reason: Cool intro! When I played the game for the first time the intro really struck me, it's so damn cool. The music is fantastic and fitting so much. Almost scary. And I could swear this woman at the beginning is speaking german, something about dragons and a search. ^^

(30/JAN/05) .Hack - Load Menu (0,68 MB)

Reason: This is one of these 'songs' which you can hear in a loop for a million times. Well, at least I can. ;) It does not get boring even though being a lot the same all the time. Beautiful simple melody.

(20/FEB/05) This is your life (4,60 MB)

Reason: This is from the Fight Club Soundtrack. You should know by the time now that I am fucking soundtrack addicted. I chose this remix, because it captures the whole mood of the movie so perfectly! This is your life, it doesn't get any better than this. This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time! You have to give up.

This is your life lyrics

(27/FEB/05) Aya's Theme (1,53 MB)

Reason: This file is dedicated to Chita because this week, I'll be at her home and we'll have lots of fun ^^. She showed me this song, because she's incredible Aya addicted and I spontaneously liked it. So it literally screamed to be added this week!

(06/MAR/05) Where is my Mind (8,62 MB)

Reason: Just a cool song I have been listening to a lot recently and thought about why not sharing? Very small note today.

Where is my Mind lyrics

(13&20/MAR/05) I'll try (5,61 MB) & So sehr (5,61 MB)

Reason: Two beautiful versions of one song: the english one and the german one. It's the theme from Peter Pan 2. So so so very beautiful. I am getting goose bumps from listening to it. It's vulnerable and sad at the same time. Very silent desperate song. It can make you cry ...

I'll Try lyrics
So sehr lyrics

(27/MAR/05) Who is Tyler Durden (6,82 MB)

Reason: The 'Fight Club' Spoundtrack is really one among my favorites. So I choose the first song of it,that really kept sticking in my mind. The different facettes of this song are very interesting. Maybe you agree ^^

(03/APR/05) Jim Knopf (1,91 MB)

Reason: Ha! Funny song making good mood ^^ Even though I don't like the animated series that much (I appreciate the puppet version too much!) the german theme is really cool! I love theme songs!

Jim Knopf lyrics

(17/APR/05) Spitfire (11,50 MB)

Reason: I like the music of The Prodigy. And I cannot help it, I like that song. I remember Janine's face when I told her that it's a cool song somehow. I think she thought I was kidding. O.o But I am not. I really like it. Spitfire reminds me of the kind of songs, they used to do around 1997.

(24/APR/05) Catch you catch me (3,39 MB)

Reason: Aww such a funny song. It's from the Card Captor Sakura Soundtrack. To be honest it's only funny if you do not understand japanese. Especially the lines "tonde tonde tonde yuke" sound so funny when you hear it. =p It's absolutely a song that lets you sing - even if you have no clue what in fact you are singing. Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me. Hahah!

Catch you catch me lyrics
Catch you catch me translation

(01/MAY/05) What it feels like for a Girl (6,45 MB)

Reason: Such a beautiful song. It's one of my favorites by Madonna. It carries such a sad melody and lyrics ... *sigh* ... it's just so beautiful!!! What else can I say?! T.T

What it feels like for a Girl lyrics

(08/MAY/05) Beached (9,19 MB)

Reason: This song and the one below are from the Beach Soundtrack. Yes, the soundtrack shiricki is back again. Beached is really cool because of the included quotes and the music underlying these.

Beached lyrics

(15/MAY/05) Snakeblood (7,70 MB)

Reason: It's the intro song of The Beach and one of my favorites from the whole soundtrack. Not much more to add, because I am not talkative today.

(22/MAY/05) The World is not enough (5,35 MB)

Reason: I love Garbage. They really made very very good sings and albums! I wanted to add a song by Garbage since a very long time but could not decide which one today until now. The lyrics, the music, everything is great about this song, the world is not enough.

The World is not enough lyrics

(29/MAY/05) A Perfect Lie (Remix) (5,69 MB)

Reason: I really like that song, but the original is a little short, so I decided to take the remix as mp3 of the week. I especially like the lyrics. They are so sarcastic. Really a great extended remix of the original theme song to Nip Tuck.

A Perfect Lie lyrics

(05/JUN/05) Feel Good Inc. (3,38 MB)

Reason: That's a song that I actually like because of the melody and music. It's a song I started to like because just everything fits so good together O.o Don't know how to express that ... And the music video is so cool. Like it lots ^^

Feel Good Inc. lyrics

(12/JUN/05) Cloud Tops (3,54 MB)

Reason: This is a song from The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, that I am playing at the moment. This is one of my favorite songs from the soundtrack. It's a mix of old and new music elements of Zelda, that's why I like it so much. ^^

(19/JUN/05) Sentimental (3,37 MB
(26/JUN/05) Mou Sukoshi (3,64 MB)

Reason: Two songs of Midori no Hibi for the upcoming 2 weeks. Enjoy the opening and ending themes of this anime ^^ I like both songs very much, it's really good musik. Sadly there is no translation of Sentimental avalaible. Maybe I'll find one anytime. Enjoy.

Sentimental lyrics
Mou Sukoshi lyrics

(03/JUL/05) I'm Walking on Sunshine 4,47 MB)

Reason: I cannot think of another song at the moment that CHEERS YOU UP LIKE THIS. It's definitely a song that draws you up when you are not ... up on the highest hight. A typical classic! Be happy, walk on sunshine!!! ^___^

I'm Walking on Sunshine lyrics

(10/JUL/05) I'm Walking on Sunshine (PUNKED!) 3,06 MB)

Reason: Haha, yes another time walking on sunshine. Because it's a cool Punk Cover of the song. Sadly I have no idea by who ... but it's really good and I just stumbled across it and thought it really must be added as well. Walk on sunshine once again!

(17/JUL/05) Another Fucking Lovesong (4,78 MB)

Reason: I don't know how I happened to get that song ... it was just suddenly there. I really do not remember >_< But it's really really a great song. Basically because of the lyrics, they are really cool. Thanks you've been fuel the thought. Now im more lonely than before. But thats okay i've just ready-made another fucking love song.

Another Fucking Lovesong lyrics

(24/JUL/05) Main Hoon Na (5,45 MB)

Reason: This week's MP3 of the week is dedicated to Janine. Because she simply LOVES this soundtrack and the movie as well. But she barely listens to anything else at the moment :p I like the soundtrack too, but my fave song is Chale Jaise Hawaien. But I chose that song for Janine ^__^ Main Hoon Na means "I am here for you".

(31/JUL/05) Best of You (3,82 MB)

Reason: Again a song for Janine ... but also for myself. Both of us LOVE this song. It's so great! In general I really like the Foo Fighters, they do cool music. And they will always remind me of the X-Files ...

Best of You lyrics

(7/AUG/05) Knots (5,33 MB)

Reason: Such a beautiful song. Very wonderful melody, it's totally the kind of music I enjoy listening to most recently. The violine aww ...

(14/AUG/05) Bleed like me (5,84 MB)

Reason: Very very sad song.

Bleed like me lyrics

(21/AUG/05) Nur ein Wort (6,32 MB)

Reason: Such a catchy tune! I like the lyrics a lot. They are funny but meaningful as well. Even though it is german it may be appealing to anyone even nonspeakers of german.

Nur ein Wort lyrics

(28/AUG/05) Speed me towards Death (6,18 MB)

Reason: I love the music by Rob Dougan. It is very emotional. The music as well as the lyrics. This is one of his saddest songs, I think. Very desperate but yet so beautiful. He's really a master of music.

Speed me towards Death lyrics

(04/SEP/05) Rainbow Brite Opening (0,49 MB)

Reason: This song and the next one are Chita's MP3 of the week wishes and I am more than happy to do that for her. Because I grew up with Rainbow Brite as well, but I was very small still, so I remember almost nothing. It's really time to see it again.
(If anyone has the lyrics, please email me. ^^ Thank you.)

(11/SEP/05) Rainbow Brite Ending (2,99 MB)

Reason: Just look above ^__^

Rainbowland lyrics

(18/SEP/05) Bola (3,76 MB)

Reason: Don't ask me why but I really like this song. I do not know what I like so much about it. Somehow it's simply cool. It's on a compilation album I own. You must be into that kind of music to like the song, I think. I find it cool. The rhythm is truly a great one!

(25/SEP/05) Family Portrait (10,36 MB)

Reason: Because I feel a little melancholy today. The song is a classic one and the piano and violine catch my mood from today pretty well.

(02/OCT/05) Harry Potter & TSS Proloque (4,89 MB)

Reason: Don't we all love this melody? Do we? It's what Harry Potter is famous for! This melody! I simply had to make it MP3 of the week anytime.

(09/OCT/05) Melancholy Requiem (3,40 MB)

Reason: Due to the fact the Silent Hill OST is a great one, this week's MP3 is the intro of the 4th part SH: The Room. It really captured my attention for the music when I heard it for the first time. It made me want the soundtrack actually ^^

(16/OCT/05) Nightmarish Waltz (2,84 MB)

Reason: This song is very good! Very scary but very melodious as well. The percussion is extremely great. I have not experienced it in the game yet. I wonder when it will occur?

(24/OCT/05) Desperate Housewives Theme (1,55 MB)

Reason: Actually the best show that is on TV at the moment. I finally can laugh my ass off the funny stories happening. The theme is by the famous Danny Elfman. He's such a great composer, truly gifted!

(31/OCT/05) Technogolic (6,46 MB)

Reason: Ever wondered what you can actually do with your computer? Here's the anser. A funny song! Try to learn it by heart and sing it, it's fun. However I cannot listen to the song for hours but the first few times now and then are really cheerful. My fave part is: zip, unzip it.

Technologic lyrics

(06/NOV/05) If I were God (2,56 MB)

Reason: Why not, I thought, when listening to the Bandits Soundtrack once more. This is a funny song, it rocks and that's just the whole story already.

If I were God lyrics

(13/NOV/05)Mile End (6,24 MB)

Reason: One hilarious song! It's so funny. My favorite quote would be "And now we're living in the sky, I never thought I'd live so high, just like Heaven, if it didn't look like Hell" And I enjoy the instrumental parts a lot in between. Very ironic song! Gets me rocking and singing.

Mile End lyrics

(21/NOV/05) It's the End of the World (3,68 MB)

Reason: This song is PERFEKT for an extremely horrible morning with just 2 hours of sleep, when you are still all dizzy. This song will shake you and wake you, because it's the end of the world, as we know it *singing* Simply awesome!!!

It's the End of the World lyrics

previous MP3 of the week by the year
2008 II 2007 II 2006 II 2005 II 2004 II 2003


I love extremis
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cute things you can buy ^^